

Pobody’s Nerfect: Hello 2019!


This blog post will be written before October comes. Just putting it out there in the universe to make this happen as I start this in early September. Do you ever share your hopes with the universe, however tiny it is and you find that it actually happens? I’ve done it from time to time, and while I can’t remember the times it doesn’t work, I get a thrill when the universe provides what I need when I need it.

This blog post might not make sense, but if I edit this until I think it does, you might never read it. There’s such a seeming universe-wide divide between what I think should happen, or what I wish to happen and what I am actually willing to do to make that happen.

This blog post has started many many times since early 2018. I can say (with an abundance of truth, thank you very much!) that we truly have been busy. I can say that we were engaging in real world amusements and isn’t that more important? I can say that we have gone through so many changes, challenges, and triumphs since then. I can say all of these things quite confidently in my attempts to justify this delay but I know the truth. I just didn’t make the time for it.

I have two boys. That should be enough justification, right?

Where has the time gone? Yesterday, it was a fresh and shiny new year. And today it is over a year later. So much has changed and yet so much has stayed pretty much the same this year. In January of 2018, we had begun the process of a very big change in our family’s life. After decades of living in the same city, we were itching to move to greener pastures. 

I am excited to share our new adventures from our new neck of the woods, not a new year but a new season for Water and Lightning. There is so much good to share - but I’ll save that for the next post.

Now we can proudly say that our products were designed in Queens, New York, handcrafted in Laguna, Philippines, now brought to you from North Carolina. Where ever we were yesterday, today or tomorrow, what’s important is that we find the time to play. 

Have you made time to play today?

Brian BarenioComment